Page name: bakas united [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-18 17:17:47
Last author: Raiko Fire
Owner: Raiko Fire
# of watchers: 29
Fans: 0
D20: 14
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Welocome to Bakas United!

Where an idiot can be an idoit(<----)! ^_^'

(and for people who don't know what baka means, it's Japanse for idiot, dummy, stupid, etc.)

[Keeper of Darkness]

1st offials

[Raiko Fire]-President

The Bakas (the members)

Random Fun Links-


- (Ways to annoy people) (I'm too sexy, with Snape)

- (lots of funny videos)

- (maybe a little crude at times. (Curse words and some sexual passes), but very funny.)

-Stupid Quotes

-Baka Stadium

-What's My Age Again?

Rules for Living

Gallery of Uselessness

Contests various members are holding:(Please edit out ones that are finished)


<img:>-Fox-People Army
<img:>- The Kitty Club<img:>- Fox and Hound Club
<img:>- meeps unite
<img:>- fox-halflings unite<img:>-The anime guild
Rei's Rotating JRock Files

Username (or number or email):


2004-06-17 [raynesprite]: *squeekles*

2004-06-17 [Raiko Fire]: *pat pat* <.<

2004-06-17 [raynesprite]: *bite*

2004-06-17 [Raiko Fire]: *stares at hand in horror* o.o; *whacks and runs off*

2004-06-17 [raynesprite]: *squeekles?*

2004-06-17 [Kuramasgirl]: that's funny ^^

2004-06-17 [Raiko Fire]: what did you do? (Kogra)

2004-06-18 [Lady Sadira]: i didnt do nothing!! *makes a innocent looking face*

2004-06-18 [Tsukasa71590]: Glomps Kogra

2004-06-18 [Raiko Fire]: oh, you added your boyfriend o.o

2004-06-18 [Lady Sadira]: *glomps back* MINE MINE MINE!!!!

2004-06-18 [Tsukasa71590]: *hugs Kogra*

2004-06-18 [Raiko Fire]: *cough*

2004-06-18 [Lady Sadira]: *hugs back and glares at [Raiko Fire]* MINE MINE MINE!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!.....wait...that isnt funny...^_^;;

2004-06-18 [Tsukasa71590]: *holds Kogra's hand and smiles at her*

2004-06-18 [Lady Sadira]: *smiles back* ^_^

2004-06-18 [Tsukasa71590]: O_o, o_O, -_-, :P

2004-06-18 [Raiko Fire]: you scare me... O_O

2004-06-18 [Lady Sadira]: HES MINE!! I dont care if u scare me BLEAH! :D

2004-06-18 [Raiko Fire]: I didn't say I wanted him o.O I have a husband, [Blue Knight]!XP

2004-06-18 [Lady Sadira]: dont care thats u! Ha! i win i dont know what i win but i win!! Yay!!

2004-06-18 [Raiko Fire]: .................................................!.................................................

2004-06-18 [Lady Sadira]: what do i win?

2004-06-18 [Raiko Fire]: those dots/exclamation mark ^^ I'll even toss in this thing ~

2004-06-18 [Lady Sadira]: oooo yay!!

2004-06-18 [Raiko Fire]: wait! here.... @---}---- so pretty *.*

2004-06-18 [Lady Sadira]: ME WANNA ROSE!!

2004-06-18 [Tsukasa71590]: Hello fellow members! Have u seen Kogra?

2004-06-18 [Lady Sadira]: Im right here

2004-06-19 [Lady Alaina]: Hi! ^^

2004-06-19 [Lady Sadira]: hello

2004-06-19 [Lady Alaina]: So.....what up?

2004-06-19 [Lady Sadira]: the sky is upz!!

2004-06-19 [Kuramasgirl]: 0.o What the hell was that?

2004-06-19 [Tsukasa71590]: hello! I is here! ^_^

2004-06-19 [Lady Sadira]: YAY!!!!!!!!!

2004-06-20 [. x o x o .]: hi

2004-06-21 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: what've i missed in the past week that i was on restriction

2004-06-22 [Lady Sadira]: they were showing a picture of kuwabara slapped cuz he didnt like botan's cooking and i glomped [Tsukasa71590]! ^_^

2004-06-22 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: figures

2004-06-23 [raynesprite]: pplz check out my three wiki pages^^

2004-06-23 [Lady Alaina]: Which three?

2004-06-23 [Lady Alaina]: <> Did I do this right? I'm testing my skills in writing links...

2004-06-24 [raynesprite]: <img:>...kick a bucket to die, kick a basket to live...or at least to get revenge...but be carefull some baskets contain bees...u kno what I mean??? is eighther kick the bucket and eat pie and die, or not kick the bucket not get any pie and not die...what a cruel world......u cannot noodle a nidge without the propper noodle lest you become a nidge yourself......*sings* Oh when your up your up, and when your down your down, and when your only half way up your neighther up nor down...

2004-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: Ok....... ?_?

2004-06-24 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: huh?

2004-06-24 [raynesprite]: &,$ hehhehehehehehehe the cat told me to do it just before he dissapeared!...

2004-06-24 [raynesprite]: oh and he told me to say "ello" to u...

2004-06-27 [Lady Sadira]: *pokes Inu*

2004-06-27 [Raiko Fire]: lol my friend, [YokoTsuta], had that sign in her locker. And another onethat said "Those who throw objects at the crocodiles will be asked to retreive them"

2004-06-28 [yuki undefined]: aahahaha I like the sign!

2004-06-28 [Kuramasgirl]: ^^ lol

2004-06-29 [Lady Sadira]: ....

2004-06-29 [Kuramasgirl]: *howls*

2004-06-30 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: they say when a dog howls it means someone's gonna die

2004-06-30 [inazuma]: Aww, superstition. My dog howls all the time! *ignores corpses all over the place*

2004-06-30 [Kuramasgirl]: mine does too........besides, I'm not a dog....more wolfish then that...actually more foxish, but I'm not completely sure if they howl ^^U

2004-06-30 [YokoTsuta]: hi hi!

2004-07-01 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: hi! the dogs next door always howl at night and sometimes during the day. sometimes i wonder if i'm the one that's gonna die, but i just keep dodging death...*looks around*

2004-07-01 [raynesprite]: *howls* >:D

2004-07-01 [Kuramasgirl]: *howls with you* *evil grin*

2004-07-01 [Lady Sadira]: *howls as well*

2004-07-01 [Kuramasgirl]: Yay!!! *joins chorus of howls again*

2004-07-01 [raynesprite]: *howls the middle note* ♪♪♪

2004-07-01 [Kuramasgirl]: lol *keeps howling*

2004-07-01 [raynesprite]: *howls the high note* ♪♪♪

2004-07-01 [Kuramasgirl]: *howls the low note* ♪♪♪

2004-07-01 [raynesprite]: *tries to howl the low note*...*voice cracks* :P

2004-07-01 [Kuramasgirl]: *laughs*

2004-07-01 [raynesprite]: *does a backflip* hehe I can do that tho;D

2004-07-01 [Kuramasgirl]: darn I can't -- *howls defeatedly*

2004-07-01 [raynesprite]: *huggles* aww*hands u steak* wheee^^

2004-07-01 [Kuramasgirl]: yum! steak! *eats steak* thank you! ^^

2004-07-01 [raynesprite]: *eats another steak*^,^ yay

2004-07-01 [Kuramasgirl]: good steak ^^

2004-07-01 [raynesprite]: nummy steak...*pauses*...hey hav u ever talked to [:enter sn here:]?

2004-07-01 [Kuramasgirl]: no, who's he?

2004-07-01 [raynesprite]: oh hes my bf^^ I made him get an account on here...its just there was someone he told me bout....their username was alot like yours it might have been a little different...

2004-07-01 [Kuramasgirl]: hmmmm...interesting...(I've got to go, talk to ya later! ^^)

2004-07-01 [raynesprite]: ....erm..k..

2004-07-02 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: once again, i'm clueless

2004-07-02 [Lady Sadira]: same here

2004-07-02 [Kuramasgirl]: Yay!!!!!! we're clueless!!!!!! *howls* did you know it's going to be a full moon tonight?

2004-07-02 [inazuma]: Yay!

2004-07-02 [raynesprite]: *howls too* ^^ yay I kinda knew that....

2004-07-03 [Kuramasgirl]: good, did you know there are 2 full moons this month? *has been staring at her calendar waiting for the full moon since last week*

2004-07-03 [Hikage]: it was beautiful last night wasn't it!!!!!! (the moon i mean) *estatic*

2004-07-03 [Kuramasgirl]: yeah, reall pretty *remembers it* it was so bright! *stares dreamily at picture in head*

2004-07-05 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: you know, when there's a 2 full moons in one month, the second one is called a blue moon?

2004-07-05 [raynesprite]: yeah I kno I guess its a gift from god^,^my birthday ish this month lol^^

2004-07-05 [Kuramasgirl]: so that's where that saying comes from "once in a blue moon" I get it now!!!1 ^^

2004-07-05 [raynesprite]: lol^^

2004-07-05 [Kuramasgirl]: ^^;

2004-07-05 [Lady Sadira]: ...........................

2004-07-05 [YokoTsuta]: ....

2004-07-06 [inazuma]: What a meaningful discussion!

2004-07-06 [raynesprite]: lol...

2004-07-06 [YokoTsuta]: ^^;;;

2004-07-06 [raynesprite]: ......stares into space....blah...

2004-07-06 [YokoTsuta]: *poke*

2004-07-06 [raynesprite]: LOL!!!*pokepoke*

2004-07-06 [YokoTsuta]: o.o *falls over*

2004-07-06 [raynesprite]: *pokepokepokepokepokepoke*

2004-07-06 [YokoTsuta]: gah! help! *gets up and starts running in a random direction*

2004-07-06 [raynesprite]: *poke*

2004-07-06 [YokoTsuta]: RUN AWAY! *runs faster*

2004-07-07 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: my birthday was just a few days ago

2004-07-07 [inazuma]: Yay! Congratulations! *dances about*

2004-07-07 [Fuu]: Happy birthday then! or somewhat late birthday

2004-07-07 [raynesprite]: *poke*

2004-07-07 [Kuramasgirl]: Happy late happy birthday!!! :D

2004-07-07 [raynesprite]: lol^^

2004-07-07 [Kuramasgirl]: :3

2004-07-07 [raynesprite]: yay!! mine is july12^^

2004-07-07 [Kuramasgirl]: mines October 31st (that does not make me a witch --)

2004-07-07 [raynesprite]: that is so cool^,^

2004-07-07 [Kuramasgirl]: ^^ thanks, some people think that I'm a witch or something because of it -.-;;

2004-07-07 [raynesprite]: thats dumb just tell them u think thats bull^^

2004-07-07 [Kuramasgirl]: I do.......the only way I could be a witch is if Harry potter was real -_-; *laughs half-heartedly*

2004-07-07 [raynesprite]: lol..^_^

2004-07-07 [Kuramasgirl]: ^^;

2004-07-07 [raynesprite]: *sneaks around*

2004-07-07 [Kuramasgirl]: eh? *watches sneaking rayne*

2004-07-07 [raynesprite]: *pounces on a butterfly*

2004-07-07 [Kuramasgirl]: *watches as butterfly tries to escape*

2004-07-07 [raynesprite]: *opens paws and sees butterfly fly away, chases again*

2004-07-08 [inazuma]: You're going to dismember the butterfly by accident next ti--...never mind. *sweatdrop*

2004-07-08 [raynesprite]: *goes down into a pouncing stance, stares up at it and wiggles, then pounces*...*looks down into paws and sees nothing*...*crosses eyes to see butterfly land on nose*

2004-07-08 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: and dammit i gotta stop missing stuff!

2004-07-11 [Lady Sadira]: same here

2004-07-11 [raynesprite]: *looks in her closet* Oh Great! hell now resides entirely in my closet...*looks out the window* HEY you! little evil gremlin dude get OFF my trampoline!!! ><*grrrr! thats the second time this week!!!! I'd better not have to tell you again!!!

2004-07-11 [Kuramasgirl]: .............I can see why your in this wiki....

2004-07-11 [raynesprite]: lol^,^yeps...*hits one of the demons with a metal baseball bat*

2004-07-11 [Kuramasgirl]: 0.o;;; ok.....*starts talking to a poster of Kurama* "and then she said it was stupid and......."

2004-07-11 [raynesprite]: *shakes her fist at the demons* AND DONT COME BACK!!! whoo finally theyre all gone^^'

2004-07-11 [Kuramasgirl]: *keeps talking to Kurama* "I tried to punch her, but....."

2004-07-11 [raynesprite]: *turns into a werewolf and chases a butterfly* wheeee...^,^

2004-07-11 [Kuramasgirl]: 0.o;;;;; *backs away slowly, then changes into a fox and starts chasing after same butterfly*

2004-07-11 [raynesprite]: *leaps off a cliff after the butterfly and dives into the ocean below*

2004-07-11 [Kuramasgirl]: *watches werewolf fall*......*startts chasing butterfly away from cliff*...

2004-07-11 [raynesprite]: *goes swimming*

2004-07-11 [Kuramasgirl]: *catches butterfly*

2004-07-11 [raynesprite]: yay! that was fun!*climbs up the side of the cliff to do it again*

2004-07-11 [Kuramasgirl]: *eats butterfly* mmmm..crunchy...

2004-07-11 [raynesprite]: OO'...

2004-07-12 [Kuramasgirl]: *swallows butterfly and comes running towards you*

2004-07-12 [raynesprite]: today is my b-day!*ish kinda happy*

2004-07-12 [Kuramasgirl]: yay!!!!!! *sings happy birthday song too you*

2004-07-13 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: my birthday passed a few days ago

2004-07-13 [raynesprite]: mine was yesterday...i got lots of stuff^^

2004-07-13 [Kuramasgirl]: lol.....mines not for a while.....

2004-07-13 [raynesprite]: aww*huggles*

2004-07-13 [Kuramasgirl]: ^.^

2004-07-14 [raynesprite]: *is evil now cause she drank an evil potion*

2004-07-14 [yuki undefined]: anyone here like a perfect circle?

2004-07-14 [raynesprite]: what is that?!XD

2004-07-14 [yuki undefined]: a rock band!

2004-07-14 [raynesprite]: ...I DIDNT KNOW THAT!!XD

2004-07-14 [yuki undefined]: sorry..i'm just a little frustrated today

2004-07-14 [raynesprite]: THANK YU FOR TELLING ME!!!

2004-07-14 [yuki undefined]: .........

2004-07-14 [raynesprite]: LOL!

2004-07-15 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: O_o?


2004-07-15 [Kuramasgirl]: yeah....sure.......

2004-07-15 [raynesprite]: *USES HER BRA AS A WATER-BALLOON-SLING-SHOT*

2004-07-15 [Kuramasgirl]: What the hell? o0;

2004-07-15 [raynesprite]: LOL!!!^,^*GETS U WITH A WATER BALLOON*

2004-07-15 [Kuramasgirl]: *vanishes water with a vanishing charm*


2004-07-15 [Kuramasgirl]: *ties you up in a strait jacket*

2004-07-15 [raynesprite]: *eats the straight jacket*

2004-07-15 [Kuramasgirl]: *hits you over the head with a baseball bat*

2004-07-15 [raynesprite]: @.@ whoooooo....owwies...

2004-07-15 [Kuramasgirl]: *ties you up in a non-breakable/eatable strait jacket*

2004-07-15 [raynesprite]: *falls on the ground laughing*...I like the vans with no windows...*looks up at u and laughs*

2004-07-15 [Kuramasgirl]: *looks at you in pity*

2004-07-15 [raynesprite]: *laughs even harder*

2004-07-15 [Kuramasgirl]: *throws you in the back of a van...with no windows*

2004-07-15 [raynesprite]: *looks around*...*laughs until she turns blue*

2004-07-15 [Kuramasgirl]: *gives her an oxygen mask*

2004-07-15 [raynesprite]: *hehehe*.....everything goes dark.....

2004-07-15 [Kuramasgirl]: finally....*starts reading a book while leaning against the van*

2004-07-15 [bubblegirl]: books?

2004-07-15 [Kuramasgirl]: books are good!!! *throws a book at you* READ!

2004-07-15 [bubblegirl]: YAY! *reads*

2004-07-15 [Kuramasgirl]: ^^

2004-07-16 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: okay, what in all seven hells did i miss this time?

2004-07-16 [Kuramasgirl]: alot....

2004-07-17 [Raiko Fire]: there are seven hells?

2004-07-17 [raynesprite]: nope theres one...and then 6 divisions of it^^lol

2004-07-17 [Raiko Fire]: o.O

2004-07-17 [raynesprite]: hehehehehe and one is currently my closet^__^

2004-07-17 [Raiko Fire]: I just cleaned my closet ^^ I can walk in it now o.O

2004-07-17 [raynesprite]: WOW!! you can walk into your closet?!

2004-07-17 [Raiko Fire]: it's a fairly large closet

2004-07-17 [raynesprite]: yah if mine were only clean...when hell freezes^^

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